Garfield is a daily-syndicated comic strip created by Jim Davis. It chronicles the life of the title character, Garfield, a tabby cat, his owner, Jon Arbuckle, and the dog, Odie. As of 2007, it is syndicated in roughly 2,580 newspapers and journals and it currently holds the Guinness.
World Record for being the world's most widely syndicated comic strip.The popularity of the strip has led to an animated television series, several animated television specials and two theatrical feature-length live-action films, as well as a large amount of Garfield merchandise. Garfield pokes fun at pet owners and their relationship with their pets, often with the pet as the true master of the household. Garfield also struggles with human problems, such as diets, Mondays, apathy, and boredom.
On June 19 , Garfield will celebrate its 30th anniversary.